Saturday, February 28, 2009

Ben's Hockey Picture

Out of fairness to Benjamin, here is a picture of Ben getting ready to go on the ice for his last day of hockey. He advanced to the next level, but he/we decided to take a break for the spring and summer. It is nice to have our Saturdays back, even if it is only until April (when baseball season starts.)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Playing in the Snow

Devon, Sheila, and Max came back to Illinois for a few days last week and Max got to play in the snow with the kids! After having no snow on the ground for the last two weeks, the day he came to Lombard to visit, we got 4 whole inches! While not technically his first time playing in the snow (he got to play in New York and Vermont the week before), it was his first snowfall, so he got to experience things like shoveling, brushing snow off the car windows, and trying to catch snowflakes on his tongue. Some friends came over and also got in on the fun!

Devon's Graduation

Devon graduated from Officer Candidate School on February 13th. I wasn't there, but I thought you might like to see a few pictures. He is now officially an Ensign!


I thought I would finally try making a family blog to make it easier to stay in touch with our friends and family! Rather than sending snapfish links to everyone, if you want to see what's new and "exciting" in our world you can just check here periodically! CAVEAT: If you know me well enough to be checking this out, then you probably are aware that I am not known for my computer skills, nor am I necessarily known for finishing projects. I will try to update this blog as often as possible, but if weeks go by and it seems abandoned, then it probably is. With that being said, here are some pictures from the girls' recent dance recital. It was on February 21 at Glenbard East High School. Lauren danced to Fly on a Wall (Miley Cyrus, of course) and Lindsey buzzed around to Flight of the Bumblebee. (FYI, I forgot to bring Lauren's pom poms to the rehearsal, which is why she is the only girl not using them in the video. Rest assured, she had them at the recital!) Lindsey fell asleep waiting for her turn to go on stage, so one of the stage moms made her a little bed out of someone's coat. Fortunately both girls danced relatively early in the show, so as soon as Lauren finished, Lindsey came and slept on my lap for the rest of the show. I guess it was a little overwhelming!