Saturday, March 14, 2009

Science Fair 2009

Lauren and Ben were both entered in District 44's science fair this year-- Lauren by choice, Ben by force. (Since I was the Pleasant Lane science fair chair this year I told him if I had to do it, so did he...) Lauren and her friend Alex won a first place ribbon for their pop spray experiment, but when we went to table 8 to find out how Ben did with his magnet experiment, his poster was gone! In it's place was a little piece of paper saying "Congratulations-- your project has been selected Best In Show." You have got to be kidding. He must have really charmed the judges or something! Unfortunately (or fortunately) we'll be leaving for Disney World the day they wanted to film him for School Scape. I broke the news to him gently, but he just said, "Nobody watches Channel 6 anyway." Good point.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of Lauren, Ben and Jennifer!! Being a Science Fair Chair is a big job!!
    As a Kindergartner, I think Ben did awsome!! He should be proud of himself!! As for Lauren Fay...Everything you have done thus far in your life has been outstanding! I worry that sometime she may not be perfect. You set the bar for you brother and sister, that is for sure!! Grandma Kibbons is VERY PROUD.
